Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Moving to Substack, come follow me there....

 In an effort to consolidate my Social Media efforts and avoid undue censorship I have moved my personal and professional postings to Substack.  Come follow me on Substack here:

I also have a platform on called Whole Body Health where I regularly share short videos on a wide variety of topics (usually 2 per month);  Follow me here as well:

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pharmaceutical Grade Dietary Supplements... gain access....

In early January 2016, FRONTLINE the PBS investigative reporting program had a program on how bad the dietary supplement industry was.  Because it is an unregulated multi-billion dollar a year industry, and because of legislation back in 1996, the FDA has no authority to demand quality and effective supplements.  This FDA-hands-off issue has lead to the fact that the buyer-beware.  No telling what is out there and if it is effective or even safe.

The Canadian study of a couple of years ago revealed that with DNA testing many of the over-the-counter supplements were just not offering what was on the label.  The attorney general's office of the state of New York followed up a year later with their own investigation and made some big box and chain supplement stores pull their products off the shelf.

How to solve this problem.  Well active patients at our practice are allowed access to high-quality, self-regulated GMP companies that adhere to a much higher standard and have their products independently laboratory tested for quality analysis.  One particular distributor requires this of every brand-name they carry.  Only caveat here is that access to this distributor is limited to healthcare providers.  This makes it impossible for the general public to get direct access.

You should have access to the best products.

For a limited time Priority Health will grant access to non-patients following a one-time (lifetime) membership fee of $10.

What you will get:

  • Access to a national distributor that screens all formulary companies with independent laboratory analysis of their products.
  • Drop Shipping (free with larger orders) right to your door.
  • Access to a wide variety and hundreds of products (dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, homeopathic preparations and essential oils) from dozens of manufacturers.
  • 15% Discounts on all Dietary Supplements ordered.
  • Bulletins and Health Updates from Priority Health (quarterly)
  • Access to well written articles and PowerPoint presentations on a variety of health topics (archived in your password protected Internet portal)
  • 10% discount on doctorate level provider (ND) health and lifestyle coach telehealth consultation for the year 2016.

Inquires/sign-up please email:

For more on Frontline and the Dietary Supplement Industry click on this link.

Read more »

Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Medical Practice in Murrells Inlet, Myrtle Beach, Pawleys Island Area

Accepting patients.

For more information on General Preventive Care. Full service General Practice in the Myrtle Beach area. If you were seen by Dr. Saleeby at another center and have labs, x-rays pending for review. If you are a bHRT patient needing follow up, please call the toll free number to schedule an

Office location 675 Wachesaw Rd. Unit D, Murrells Inlet, SC. Call to arrange appointments now

General Practice and Preventive Integrative

Saturday, January 29, 2011 & Launch New Healthcare Model

eStatLabs is a direct-access-testing web site allowing anyone to order blood and urine tests online without a doctors visit or prescription.  This makes personal healthcare available at very low cost to consumer.  

AtroGene is launching an Internet web portal with a new paradigm in medical consultation via telemedicine, Skype and the internet.


Friday, January 14, 2011 A web site offering affordable lab testing

An online Direct Access Testing (DAT) web site for low price blood testing without a doctor's prescription.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dr. Saleeby's Blog Part III

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Protein Series Part V: Peptides

Protein Series PART V

New Form on the Horizon... Peptides

by Jose Antonio, Ph.D.

Peptides. . What does that mean?
Peptides are a simplified fast absorbing derivative from a whole protein.

In conclusion to our series on the comparison and explanation of the best protein sources, we'd like to finish with a form called peptides.

Peptides? Chances are you haven't heard the word yet.

That's because Peptides are a fairly newly used and studied form of protein. One peptide product currently being studied is called PeptoPro®.

What is PeptoPro®?

PeptoPro® is a peptide derived from milk protein. Specifically, it is derived from casein; thus, when casein is 'cut up' into smaller units, you end up with small di-peptides and tri-peptides (two and three amino acids units). The advantage is that they are more likely to be absorbed quickly and therefore assimilated into the body.

You know by now all about the importance of adding protein to your diet, but do you know about the advantages of adding it to the 'traditional' carbohydrate-electrolyte only sports drink?

Recent investigations have indeed shown that cyclists who consumed beverages enriched with a specific type of 'protein' called PeptoPro®, during time trials, had faster times and had less muscle soreness post-activity compared with those drinking traditional, carbohydrate-only sports drinks.

In a study at James Madison University, subjects completed two 60 kilometer (37.2 miles) cycling time trials. Each trial consisted of three simulated laps of a 20 km or 12.4 mile cycling loop, a 407 meter vertical climb, followed by a final 5 km climb. Throughout the trial, participants consumed 200 ml (6.8 ounces) of a sports beverage, either PeptoPro® enriched (CHO+PRO) or carbohydrate-only (CHO) every five km (3.1 miles), plus an additional 500ml (16.9 ounces) immediately after completion.

What did they find?

Post-exercise plasma creatine kinase (CK), which is a measure of muscle damage, and subjective muscle soreness ratings were not significantly different between treatments. Nevertheless, post-exercise increases in CK and muscle soreness were 61% and 93% higher, respectively, in the CHO trial than the CHO+P trial.

Take Home Message

For those of you who participate in intense, prolonged endurance exercise, consuming a sports drink is good, but not good enough. Heck, it's better than water! However, if you consume a beverage that has carbohydrate and protein, recovery is enhanced, performance is better, and soreness is diminished. PeptoPro is a special class of peptides derived from the milk protein casein that when combined with a carbohydrate-containing beverage, may indeed offer these benefits.

Additional Reading and Information
Click Here for supporting evidence.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Resveratrol Redux

As a follow up to my article on Resveratrol (the anti-oxidant in wine) here was an exchange with founder and CEO of Crushpad Michael Brill. When you get a chance check out Crushpad's web site. A very interesting concept in winemaking.



What’s your take on the amount of resveratrol required to have a beneficial effect? I’d read that the amount found even in very tannic red wines is modest and there is some skepticism that there is enough concentration to have an impact.

Michael Brill
Crushpad, Inc.




In order to understand how much resveratrol is in wine, one must realize that resveratrol is a natural substance made by grapes and other plants (peanuts and others) in response to fungal infection. How much resveratrol is in a glass of wine depends, first, on whether the grapes were grown organically, and, second, how the wine was made. Grapes sprayed with pesticides that prevent fungal infection contain little, if any, resveratrol. Wines grown in dry climates have less resveratrol than those grown in humid areas. Red wines contain more than white because of how red wine is made. The end result of all of this is that organic red wines from certain areas of Europe contain the highest level of resveratrol. But most wines contain either no resveratrol at all, or very little (less than a milligram per glass).

The only sure way to obtain a certain amount of resveratrol daily is to take a standardized extract. Standardization ensures a consistent amount of resveratrol with consistent high quality. The finest resveratrol available comes from Europe. It is made from organic French grapes known for their high resveratrol content. The resveratrol is carefully extracted to retain other compounds (polyphenols) that naturally occur with it. This pharmaceutical wine extract is often enhanced with resveratrol extracted from the roots of a medicinal plant (Polygonnum cuspidatum) used for centuries in Asia for the treatment of inflammation, heart, blood vessel and liver disease, skin and lipid problems. The result is a product that retains the active parts of wine in a natural balance with increased potency and consistent quality. Source: LEF

An effective dose is 180mg/d found in capsules of standardized extract according to the research in mice. The corresonding weight based dose in mice showed cardioprotection. Some animal studies used twice this dose. Source: Bill Sardi

A fluid ounce of red wine averages 160 µg (micro-grams) of resveratrol. Source: Melissa Q.B. McElderry, M.S., R.D.

While reds have more resveratrol (res) than do whites the reason is that res concentrations are in the skins and thus wine with more contact with skins is a better source. As far as varietals go some research shows that the native muscadine grape has the highest levels because unlike Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca grapes muscadine berries contain very high concentrations of res in the seeds, the others don't. Thus organically grown muscadines in a humid southern climate can yield the highest res concentrations. Source: Am. J. Enol. Vitic.

Currently anywhere between 40-160mg resveratrol capsules are made by several companies. That is a far greater concentration than the average couple of glasses of red wine that is safe to consume each day. Source: LEF.
Hope this helps.


JP Saleeby, MD
(800) 965-8482

Sunday, March 11, 2007

From Sparta to Lebanon to America

A Proud Heritage

In the Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC, an alliance of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian army at the pass of Thermopylae in central Greece. There is much interest in this battle this week as the new movie "300" has hit theatres this week. Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held back the Persians in one of history's most famous last stands. A small force led by King Leonidas of Sparta blocked the only road through which the massive army of Xerxes I could pass. After three days of battle, a local resident named Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks by revealing a mountain path that led behind the Greek lines.

Dismissing the rest of the army, King Leonidas stayed behind with 300 Spartans and 700 Thespian volunteers. Though they knew it meant their own deaths, they held their position and secured the retreat of the other Greek forces. The Persians succeeded in taking the pass but sustained heavy losses, extremely disproportionate to those of the Greeks. The fierce resistance of the Spartan-led army offered Athens the invaluable time to prepare for a decisive naval battle. While King Leonidas of Sparta battled the Persians on land, a great Athenian general and statesman named Themistocles did battle at sea. His rather small fleet of triremes halted the great Persian armada in the stalemate battle of Artemisium. The subsequent decisive Greek naval victory at the Battle of Salamis once again led by Themistocles left much of the Persian navy destroyed and Xerxes was forced to retreat back to Asia, leaving his army in Greece under Mardonius, who was to meet the Greeks in battle one last time.

The Greeks assembled at full strength and defeated the Persians decisively at the Battle of Plataea, ending the Greco-Persian War and with it Persian expansion into Europe.

The performance of the defenders at the battle of Thermopylae is often used as an example of the advantages of training, equipment, and good use of terrain to maximize an army's potential, and has become a symbol of courage against overwhelming odds. The heroic sacrifice of the Spartans and the Thespians has captured the minds of many throughout the ages and has given birth to many cultural references as a result. Source: Wikipedia

There is a strong connection between the Saleeby descendants and the Spartans. Our family history goes back some 300 years B.C. to the region of Sparta and the justices that ruled that city state. In the second century A.D. beginning from Prince Petronious Amiries son of Polithictos, son of Epocratos, the Hellinc of the Tibbanous family which ruled in Sparta during that time. This Amiries was born in a ship while his mother Aghrist with his uncle Emofaratis fled from Sparta after his father's death; this was near the shores of Biblous, the city of the Phoenician Gods (now modern day Lebanon).

This Amiries grew to be commander over Caesar's army. As an idolater although his mother, a Christian tried to convert him to her faith, but in vain. She prayed that her desire may be fulfilled. By a miracle he was converted by John, an apostle of Saint Paul, who converted and baptized him during the year 67 A.D. This was the same year when the apostles assembled in Antioch and were called Christians.

Thinking it unwise to return to Rome, he went to Huran in Syria where he knew friends and relatives and lived (in El-Basseer), built a home and moved his family and lived to be 101 years of age. He died and his body was carried back to Sparta and buried.

Amiries' son, Nocalaous, married and begat El-Gouth, a great hero who was called El-Saleeby by an Arabian prince for his wars against the Jews and idolaters, defending the Christian faith. He was born the year of 89 A.D. and died 197 A.D. in Azrah of Huran.

When the Christians lost power and wealth, they began to migrate - leaving their homes. John Ben Bilsarous El-Saleeby gave up Saint Jacobs Monastery to the Moslems. This was built by El-Gouth El-Saleeby during the second century. One Jacob Demitry Saleeby migrated from Huran to El-Kourah in Lebanon. Where after Farris El-Saleeby, son of Acklidis - followed.

Al-Abry Farris' son left to Antioch and from him all the Saleeby's and Saliba's in that section descended. After Farris's death, Tamir, Jacob's son, became the leader who during his days things developed until the 12th century when the Crusaders came from Europe to rescue Jerusalem form the Muslims. But for the bad conduct and mistreatment to the inhabitants of Lebanon by the Crusade Armies these Saleeby's were forced to form an alliance with the Arabs to fight for their safety until 1380 when things were settled. When El-Wardy Ben-Mansour El-Saleeby died, the family began to scatter in all directions of the country where many have been given nicknames, other than Saleeby. About 30 branches were given these various names, as is recorded in our family books.

The Saleeby's who came from El-Koura to Bteghreen during 1625 A.D. are Jacob and his cousins Assad, Joseph and Harun, came to Btalloon, built a home and lived, whereafter Joseph returned to Bteghreen and Harun went to Nebatyeh. Assad and his family stayed at Btalloon, thereafter some of his children moved to Souk-El-Gharb and other towns nearby.

In 1886 migration to the western world began where we find thousands of Saleeby and Saliba families in North and South America, England, Africa, Australia, and all parts of the world. During the Lebanese revolution for independence from the French amidst WWII a young Yusuf M. Saleeby (JP's grandfather) was given a life term appointment as village elder (Mukhtar). He served his village well under the occupation of the Ottomans, early in his life and later the French. During the civil war in the 1970's -80's he continued to remain neutral despite the political forces around him. He kept the peace in Bkhechtay for years amongst the neighboring Druz, Muslims and Christians. Yusuf begat his eldest son Michael who after high school came to American for higher education at Oklahoma City University and later Seton Hall University in New Jersey where he met his wife Phyllis. They wed and returned to Lebanon to raise a family. In 1978 Yusuf (JP) Saleeby, son of Michael Saleeby and Grandson of Yusuf M. Saleeby the mukhtar of Bkhechtay, made his final journey to the shores of America. In the summers of 1992 and 1993 JP embarked on a mission in Greece (then London) to row a trireme. This trireme named "Olympias" was a ship constructed by the Greek Navy and British naval architects. The sea trials of 1992 in Poros as well as the celebration of 2000 year of Democracy in London on the Thames River was an opportunity of a lifetime for a "Saleeby" to return to his roots and row a vessel of his Greek/Spartan heritage. In turn JP had a son Michael (named after his grandfather) in 1999. Source: Saleeby-Saliba Association of Families.

The Trireme "Olympias" at sail in the Aegean Sea
JP was a Zygian (middle) and Thranite (top) rower in a Triad of Rowers on the starboard side
He was also part of the medical staff on board the ship

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Protein Series Part IV - Eggs

Protein Series PART IV

Eggs, the perfect protein?

by Jose Antonio, Ph.D.
Melinda Mergen

Eggs. They seem to get no respect and I must say undeservedly so.

Eggs seem to have fallen off the radar screen as a premier choice of protein lately, but if you look at the facts and want a high quality protein, eggs should be included.

They not only provide "a full compliment of the essential amino acids," in addition, eggs are a rich source of thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acids, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin E, and phosphorus. Seems like a complete food, right?

Don't throw those yolks away!

How often have you cracked those eggshells and daintily dropped the whites into a mixing bowl only to discard the yolk down your kitchen sink faster than you kick dog droppings off your shoes? Why the visceral disgust towards those bright yellow orbs? Have we been brainwashed by the 'anti-egg' lobby to fear the dreaded egg?

In one of the most extensive studies of egg consumption in the United States, dietary intake, of more than 27,000 individuals, was studied. Egg consumers and non-consumers were compared. (1) According to this study, "the daily nutrient intake of egg consumers was significantly greater than that of non-consumers." For instance, vitamins B12, C, E, and A were consumed in greater quantities in the egg consumers.
And the kicker; those who reported eating four or more eggs daily had lower blood cholesterol levels than those who ate one egg or less daily.

Furthermore, in 24 healthy adults (median age 40 years) who added two boiled eggs to their daily diets for six weeks, found that HDL-cholesterol increased 10%, total cholesterol increased 4% but more importantly, the total cholesterol; HDL cholesterol ratio did not change.(2)

Designer Eggs

Regular chicken eggs are not as bad as the naysayers have claimed, and are in fact chockfull of nutrients and protein. But scientists couldn't leave a good thing alone. So Let's introduce the "Designer Egg." These are eggs that have in some way been fortified with extra vitamin E, lutein (an antioxidant), selenium, and/or omega 3 fatty acids; these are all by the way, good for you. For instance, the prestigious European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study in which 40 healthy men and women consumed either one "normal" egg or one "designer" egg daily for 8 weeks. The designer eggs won hands down in that blood levels of vitamin E, lutein (more on this later), selenium, (a mineral that works with vitamin E to fight free radicals) and docosahexaenoic acid, (DHA, a type of healthful polyunsaturated fat) were higher in the designer egg-eating group.(3)

Clearly, if you can get all the essential amino acids with a truckload of vitamins and minerals from eggs, then this is a food that you need to incorporate into your diet. Now with designer eggs, you have higher levels of omega 3 fats that are usually found best in fish. So if you live in South Dakota and can't get enough good seafood, then designer eggs may be the way to go. And to reiterate, there is no association was seen between egg consumption at levels up to 1+ egg per day and the risk of coronary heart disease in non-diabetic men and women.

Some 'EGGcellent' Facts for You

Nutrition Information on the EGG

1 large whole egg
Kcals - 77
Protein - 6.3 g
Carbohydrates - 0.6 g
Fat - 5.3 g
1 large egg white
Kcals - 17
Protein - 3.5 g
Carbohydrates - 0.3 g
Fat - 0 g

How many can you consume daily?
There is evidence that consuming 1-2 whole eggs daily does not adversely affect blood lipid parameters. So 1-2 is a safe bet.

Additional Reading and Information
Click Here for related articles.
Please click here for References and additional Reading Material.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Kiss French, Drink American

Kiss French, Drink American

By JP Saleeby, MD

A few years ago an aesthetician I once worked with presented me with a T-shirt that read “Kiss French, Drink American.” It remains one of my favorite shirts to wear in public, as I am expressing my worldview on wine. While not making reference to any right-wing mantra of a few years ago by those disillusioned by France’s participation in the war on terror, it is rather a bit of American schadenfreude in the events of a day in 1976. That year was the start of a revolution. The American wine industry would come out as victors over the often-perceived patronizing French, stepping onto the podium and donning international respect.

The affair was a blind tasting of California and French wines held in France on June 7th, 1976. A day that will live in infamy for the French wine industry. A very well known British wine merchant by the name of Steven Spurrier organized a tasting amongst some highly regarded French wine judges. The caveat here was that unlike tastings in the past where labels were displayed, thus immediately biasing judges, the labels were hidden (what is called a blind tasting). The results? Well to everyone’s surprise the American wines trumped their French counterparts. Of course when news of this reached the shores across the pond, it was a boom for American wines, specifically Californian. Even the father of Napa Valley wine, Robert Mondavi was quotes as saying, “The Paris tasting was an enormous event in the history of California wine making. It put us squarely on the world map of great wine-producing regions. I saw the impact everywhere I went. Suddenly people had a new respect for what we were doing. They saw we could make wines as good as the best in France.”

The news reverberated violently in France. There were stories of vineyard owners and winemakers chastising and berating the judges. There were stories in the French press about a conspiracy. But the fact of the matter is that at the time a $7.20 bottle of Stag’s Leap Cabernet Sauvignon trumped the $25.00 Muton-Rothschild and the $23.00 Haut-Brion.

Geico Cavemen enjoying wine

This tasting was yet another bitter reminder to the French that in fact their highly touted industry was once again at the mercy of the Americans. For in truth wine would not be in existence in Europe today had they not recovered (with the help of the Americans) from the great wine blight of the 19th century.

In the late 1850’s as Europe imported vines from America a little known aphid known as the grape phylloxera hitchhiked along and once on French soil essentially devastated the many famous vineyards of France. Over a fifteen-year period the aphid (which affects are minimal on native American vines) would cause the sudden death of European rootstock. Some 40% of French grape wines were killed in this period. The Americans brought the great French wine blight to an end. As the French would have to concede (almost a century later as Americans soldiers landed on their shores to save their derriere from the Nazis) American entomologists and viticulturists came to the rescue.

American entomologist Charles Valentine Riley (1843-1895) announced in 1870 that the aphid D. vitifoliae was responsible for the European root form and the American leaf form of the blight. French winegrower Leo Laliman discovered that French vinifera vines would resist the grape phylloxera if grafted to American plants (rootstock).

The term “reconstitution” was what the French used to describe grafting vinifera shoots to pylloxera-resistant American rootstock. Of course this cure was not too palatable for the French. There were two camps in France: those who wanted to treat with insecticides such as carbon bisulphide and potassium sulphcarbonate called the “chemists” and those that pushed for grafting called the “Americanists.” This latter group was also referred to as the “wood merchants”, and they pretty much won the day.

A Texan by the name Thomas Volney Munson (1843-1913) was instrumental in supplying American rootstock to the French and Europeans. Reconstitution was eventually widely accepted by France and other European countries as well. All over the world with few exceptions vines are now planted on phylloxera-resistant rootstocks.

Pope chooses American wine

With the French, when wine is concerned, passions run high as do egos and nationalism. For years the French wine industry dominated as the best of the best. Along came the lowly colonialists in the mid-70’s from across the pond and with surprising quality wines that continue today. As California wines prices soared in the last two decades, wine drinkers are looking for the baton to be passed to yet another wine producing region such as South America, South Africa or Australia.

JP Saleeby, MD is medical director of the ED at Marlboro Park Hospital, Bennettsville, SC. He writes medical and wellness articles for numerous regional and national magazines and sits on the advisory board of AFAA. He was a co-founder of the Savannah Wine Club in the mid-90’s.
© 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2007

An Apple a Day....

"One cannot live well, love well or sleep well unless one has dined well."
- Virginia Woolf

Follow the anti-fast food movement of:

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Protein Series Part III: Whey Protein

Whey Protein, Impressive & Versatile
by Jose Antonio, Ph.D.
Melinda Mergen

Whey Protein proves itself to be a unique and impressive contender.

Whey is a unique (and impressive) protein in that it has shown to confer both performance-enhancing effects as well as an ability to help improve 'health' under selective clinical conditions.

It's one of the most widely consumed and studied proteins on the market. On the exercise side of things, Whey has been a long time favorite for many athletes.

In one study, researchers from McGill University in Montreal Canada gave 20 young adults (10 men, 10 women) a whey protein supplement, (10g twice daily) or a casein placebo for three months. Subjects were monitored for activity (via questionnaires).(1) The time spent in moderate (i.e. walking) and intense (i.e. running, cycling) exercise was calculated for each time period. Also, the percentage of awake-time spent being active was determined. They also performed before and after measures of lymphocyte glutathione levels; 30-second work capacity on a bicycle and percentage fat.

After 3 months of consuming their respective supplements, they found that the whey protein group was superior to the casein group in the following categories:

Percentage fat: -4.8% (whey), +5.1% (casein)
Peak cycling power: +13.3% (whey), +1.6% (casein)
30 second cycling work capacity: +12.7% (whey), +0.9% (casein)
Lymphocyte glutathione: +35.5% (whey), -0.9% (casein)
Time spent in activity: +13.7% (whey), +4.7% (casein)

So what does this all mean? Well, perhaps the most important change is the increase in lymphocyte glutathione activity, which is an indirect measure of tissue glutathione levels. This is important because glutathione, a compound produced from three amino acids (cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine) is one of the most important anti-oxidants in our bodies. You'll find glutathione in the watery portion of the cell (known as the cytosol or cytoplasm) as opposed to vitamin E, which is in the fatty portion of each cell. So Whey protein increases cellular glutathione, which in turn improves the free-radical fighting ability of your body. This should theoretically improve muscle recovery and overall health. Thus, what may have happened is that the whey-protein, fed subjects may have felt better, and thus were more active, and could consequently recover more quickly from activity or exercise. This would in turn lead to better exercise performance and decreased, percentage fat. So did the whey protein itself improve exercise performance and body composition? Or was it an indirect effect in that it helped promote expeditious recovery and overall health? From a lean body mass accruement standpoint, keep in mind that there are other studies which suggest that casein may be better. However, another unique aspect of whey is its effect on the immune system. For instance, supplementation with whey proteins persistently increased plasma glutathione levels in patients with advanced HIV-infection.(2) And in a prospective double-blind clinical trial in 18 HIV-infected children (1.98-6.37 years), whey protein, concentrate supplementation stimulated glutathione synthesis and, possibly, decreased the occurrence of associated co-infections.(3)

Whey is a pretty impressive source of protein. In addition to application in sports, there's some pretty impressive evidence that it can help various clinical conditions.

Additional Reading and Information

Whey protein on plasma glutathione levels.

Whey protein affects muscular performance.

Please click here for References and additional Reading Material.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Olympian Willye White Dies

Willye White dies this year at age 67. She was a five-time Olympian and two-time Olympic silver medalist in track and field. At the age of 16 in the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia she won a silver in the long jump. She competed in 5 consecutive Olympic Games between 1956 and 1972. Willye is the only American to have done this in track and field.

In 1981 she was inducted into the USA Tack & Field Hall of Fame. After her athletic career she dedicated her life to underprivileged children.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Physician's Money Digest publishes Dr. Saleeby's article on Tea Plantation

Dr. Saleeby's Article on the Charleston Tea Plantation appears in the Feb. 2007 issue of Physician's Money Digest magazine (Physician LifeStyle section)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Olympic Wrestler with 9-lives

Olympic Champion Survives Plane Crash
Wrestler Gardner, Two Others Rescued by Fisherman

SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 25) - Olympic wrestling champion Rulon Gardner and two Utah men were rescued by a Lake Powell fisherman Sunday after surviving a small plane crash near Good Hope Bay the day before.

Gardner was a passenger in the Cirrus SR 22 along with pilot Randy Brooks and his brother Leslie Brooks, according to a news release from Becki Bronson, public information officer for Garfield County. The plane was flying low when it struck the water and all three men were able to get out of the plane before it sank.Authorities are uncertain of the exact location of the crash, but the three men swam for more than an hour in 44 degree water before reaching shore and then spent the night without shelter, according to the release. None suffered life-threatening injuries, authorities said."It takes only about 30 minutes for someone swimming in 44 degree water to start suffering the effects of hypothermia, so the fact that they swam in it for an hour, not to mention surviving the plane crash and the night without fire or shelter, is pretty amazing," said Steven Luckesen, a district ranger at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. "If these guys were a cat with nine lives, they just used up three of them."

[ Rulon Gardner at 2000 Olympic Games receives Gold medal defeating Russian Greco-Roman great Alexander Karelin]

Gardner and the Brooks called a relative to take them for medical attention in American Fork.The cause of the crash is still under investigation, Bronson said.Gardner pulled one of the most stunning upsets in Olympic history at the 2000 Games, winning the gold medal in Greco-Roman wrestling by ending Alexander Karelin's 13-year international winning streak. In the 2004 games in Athens, Gardner won the bronze medal, and in wrestling tradition, left his shoes on the mat as a symbolic way of announcing his retirement.This is not the first time, he's survived a life-threatening accident. In 2002 he became stranded while snowmobiling in the Wyoming wilderness and lost one of his toes to frostbite, and in 2004 he was struck by an automobile while riding his motorcycle.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2007-02-25 22:20:12

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Protein Series Part II: The Science of Soy

Protein Series Part II

by Jose Antonio

Science proves the positives on Soy

Soy's reputation among a growing number of questioning minds isn't exactly sterling, particularly with fitness and physique athletes. In fact, asking a recreational bodybuilder to use soy protein would be like asking the French military to go battle without wine.

Nonetheless, when you take a cursory look at the recent data on soy, perception is in fact not reality. The true scientific translation is that soy is probably the only non-animal source of protein that is of high quality.

For instance, one study examined 27 healthy, untrained subjects, ages 18 to 35, who were randomly assigned (double blind) to supplement with whey protein, soy protein or, a sugar placebo. Results showed that protein supplementation during resistance training, independent of source, increased lean tissue mass and strength over isocaloric placebo and resistance training.(1) Thus, both soy and whey are better than sugar.

Another study compared soy versus whey. Lean body mass gain, was examined in males from a university-level weight training class. They were given daily servings of micronutrient-fortified protein bars containing soy or whey protein (33g protein/day, 9 weeks). Training included workouts with fairly low repetitions per set. And again, both the soy and whey treatment groups showed a gain in lean body mass, but the training-only group did not. In conclusion, both soy and whey protein products promoted exercise training-induced lean body mass gain. Interestingly, soy consumption had the added benefit of preserving two aspects of antioxidant function.(2) Another recent study found that differences in weight loss and body composition changes, between casein and soy treatments, were not significant.(3)

Does soy affect female hormone levels? Well, yes and no. The data can be a little confusing. For instance, we know that eating soy protein has been associated with altered risk of developing endocrine-regulated cancers. One study looked at the effect of soy relative to animal protein and soy-derived isoflavones on circulating estrogen and androgen concentrations in both postmenopausal women and older men. In postmenopausal women, concentrations of estrone were higher and its precursor DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), lower after consuming the soy compared with animal protein diets. Estrone is one of the three naturally occurring estrogens, the others being estradiol and estriol. There was no significant effect of soy-derived isoflavones on any of the hormones measured. This study shows that relatively large amounts of soy protein or soy-derived isoflavones had modest and limited sex-specific effects on circulating hormone levels.(4) However, another study in healthy postmenopausal women showed that dietary soy isoflavones do not have an effect on biological indicators of estrogenicity. This suggests that soy isoflavones have little relevance or biological estrogenic effect on vivo in postmenopausal women.(5)

A moderate amount of soy containing foods should not be a problem. But if you are someone who is sensitive to the effects of soy, either cut the dose or eliminate it completely from your diet! It should be apparent that soy is a good source of protein for most. If you are a vegan, than it would be wise to use soy protein, particularly during your pre-exercise and/or post-exercise window.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Tea Prevents Ventricular Arrhythmias post AMI

Moderate Tea Consumption Linked to Lower Prevalence of Ventricular Arrhythmias among Patients Hospitalized for Acute Myocardial Infarction
MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION, VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS, ISCHEMIA - Tea, Coffee, Diet, Caffeine, Polyphenols, Antioxidants, Catechins
"Tea consumption and infarct-related ventricular arrhythmias: the determinants of myocardial infarction onset study," Mukamal KJ, Alert M, et al, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2006; 25(6): 472-79. (Address: Kenneth J. Mukamal, MD, MPH, MA, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Division of General Medicine and Primary Care Research Program, 1309 Beacon Street, 2nd floor, Brookline, MA 02446, USA. E-mail: ).
In a study involving subjects with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), moderate tea consumption was found to be associated with a lower prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias in patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction, as compared to non-tea drinkers and heavy tea drinkers. The tea and coffee consumption of subjects in the one year prior to infarction was assessed via questionnaire. The study involved 2 phases. 1,912 patients were involved in the first phase. In this group of patients, moderate consumption of tea (less than 14 cups per week) was found to be associated with an 11% prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias, compared to 16% among tea abstainers and 14% among heavy tea drinkers (14 or more cups per week). The second phase of the study involved 1,791 patients. Among this group, an 8% prevalence was found among moderate tea drinkers and heavy tea drinkers, compared to 11% prevalence found among tea abstainers. The adjusted odds ratios for ventricular arrhythmia when data from both groups was combined were 0.7 among moderate drinkers and 0.9 among heavy tea drinkers. A similar trend was found for odds of ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation. While tea consumption appeared to have a protective effect, coffee consumption (> 14 cups/week) on the other hand was associated with an increased odds ratio of ventricular arrhythmia (1.3). The authors conclude, "This study provides a different dimension to the proposed cardioprotective effects of tea consumption, which include a lower risk of mortality following AMI. If confirmed, our results suggest that catechins and perhaps other polyphenolic antioxidants could play a role in preventing arrhythmic complications of AMI."


Monday, February 12, 2007

Birthday Boy's Wish

If I could indulge...

...would love to have this 1983 Lancia 037. A stunningly gorgeous car she is.

Pomegranate Extract fights gingival disease

DENTAL PLAQUE, DENTAL HYGIENE - Pomegranate, Punica Granatum, Chlorhexidine, Diet, Fruit

"Punica granatum (pomegranate) extract is active against dental plaque," Menezes SM, Cordeiro LN, Viana GS, J Herb Pharmacother, 2006; 6(2): 79-92. (Address: Faculty of Medicine of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceara, Brazil. E-Mail: ).

In a randomized, controlled study involving 60 healthy patients aged 9-25 years, results suggest that the hydroalcoholic extract (HAE) from Punica granatum (pomegranate) is effective against dental plaque. The participants were randomized to 1 of 3 groups - (1) control group (n=20) used distilled water as mouth rinse; (2) standard group (n=20) used chlorhexidine as mouth rinse; (3) (n=20) used HAE as mouth rinse. Dental plaque was collected from participants without oral hygiene for 24 hours both before and after a 1-min mouth rinse. Mouth rinse with HAE was found to decrease dental plaque microorganisms by 84%, compared to 79% for chlorhexidine, and only 11% for distilled water. Thus, the authors of this study conclude, "The HAE presented also an antibacterial activity against selected microorganisms, and may be a possible alternative for the treatment of dental plaque bacteria."


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith (1967-2007) - Go Trim Spa!!!
Written by thecoolerblog . Link to this entry Blog about this entry

Anna Nicole Smith was the epitome of trailer park white trash. Caught up in a fast paced dangerous self serving lifestyle that finally caught up with her and did her in. She is the example I teach my daughter to NEVER become. I don't feel sorry for Anna Nicole, I feel sorry for the young child she left behind. Hopefully that child will be placed in a loving nurturing environment and grow up to be a solid productive citizen and break that white-trash red-neck cycle.


Comment from jpsaleeby - 2/8/07 8:30 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Analytical Chemistry Professor Wins Award

Professor Wins $1 Million for Arsenic Filter

FAIRFAX, Va. (Feb. 2) - A professor who developed an inexpensive, easy-to-make system for filtering arsenic from well water has won a $1 million engineering prize - and he plans to use most of the money to distribute the filters to needy communities around the world.

The National Academy of Engineering announced Thursday that the 2007 Grainger Challenge Prize for Sustainability would go to Abul Hussam, a chemistry professor at George Mason University in Fairfax. Hussam's invention is already in use today, preventing serious health problems in residents of the professor's native Bangladesh. After moving to the United States in 1978, Hussam got his citizenship and received a doctorate in analytical chemistry. The Centreville, Va., resident has spent much of this career trying to devise a solution to the arsenic problem, which was accidentally caused by international aid agencies that had funded a campaign to dig wells in Eastern India and Bangladesh. The wells brought fresh groundwater to farmers and others who previously had been drinking from bacteria- and virus-laced ponds and mudholes. But the aid agencies were unaware that the groundwater also had naturally high concentrations of poisonous arsenic.

As infectious diseases declined, arsenic-related skin ailments and fatal cancers began to increase - a problem that attracted much attention in the 1990s. "I myself and all my brothers were drinking this water," said Hussam, who added that his family did not get sick, possibly because they had a good diet, which can help stem the effects of digesting arsenic. Allan Smith, an epidemiologist at the University of California at Berkeley, said arsenic poisoning affects millions of people worldwide and it has been difficult to convince people that what seems to be good water might be toxic. "You can't see it or taste or smell it," Smith said. "The idea that crystal-clear drinking water would end up causing lung disease in 20 or 30 years is a little weird. It's unbelievable to people."

Hussam spent years testing hundreds of prototype filtration systems. His final innovation is a simple, maintenance-free system that uses sand, charcoal, bits of brick and shards of a type of cast iron. Each filter has 20 pounds of porous iron, which forms a chemical bond with arsenic. The filter removes almost every trace of arsenic from well water.

About 200 filtration systems are being made each week in Kushtia, Bangladesh, for about $40 each, Hussam said. More than 30,000 have been distributed. Hussam said he plans to use 70 percent of his prize so the filters can be distributed to needy communities. He said 25 percent will be used for more research, and 5 percent will be donated to GMU. The 2007 sustainability prize is funded by the Grainger Foundation of Lake Forest, Ill., and the contest was set up to target the arsenic problem. Among the criteria for winning was an affordable, reliable and environmentally friendly solution to the arsenic problem that did not require electricity. Hussam's award will be presented Feb. 20 at Union Station in Washington.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.
2007-02-02 22:50:40